Policies + Guidelines
- Air Quality Policy
- Athlete Team Selection Appeal Policy
- Athlete Protection Policy
- Awards Policy
- Board Dispute Resolution Policy
- Coaches' and Managers' Policy
- Code of Conduct
- Commissaires Policy
- Concussion Policy
- Conflict of Interest
- Discipline and Complaints Policy
- Dispute Resolution Policy
- Equal Opportunity Employment
- Extreme Heat Guidelines
- Harassment Policy
- Reimbursement of Expenses
- Privacy Policy
- Volunteer Screening
Strategic Plan
The development and maintenance of the ABA Strategic Plan engaged members and stakeholders at all levels of cycling in Alberta. A new phase of strategic planning began in December 2007 with the Board planning meeting providing a framework for the ABA. Since then, the ABA has engaged its members in dialogue and feedback.
The strategic plan is the ongoing reference for the ABA as we move toward 2024. It aligns the ABA activity from Mission through to annual and program tactics.
The ABA incorporated a number of key considerations in the process of putting this plan together. In short, the plan:
- Is truly strategic in its focus
- Outlines new initiatives and vision for the future
- Facilitates coordinated activity at all levels of the sport around critical drivers
of success - Outlines objectives that are meaningful and measurable
- Has allowed broad member involvement and input
This plan highlights the strategic priorities that will guide the sport over the coming years. Within this overall framework, there is a focus on individual initiatives and key actions associated with each strategic area. On an annual basis, the Board of the Alberta Bicycle Association will closely monitor the sport’s progress against these initiatives to ensure achievement of the overall objectives.
Contact Information
Edmonton Office
11759 Groat Rd
Edmonton AB T5M 3K6
Phone: 780-427-6352
Toll Free: 1-877-646-BIKE(2453)
Fax: 780-427-6438